The most modern and sophisticated production and packaging machinery in the chain facilitate optimum quality results in the production of the final product once all homologation controls have been completed.
Thus, modern wine treatment systems, with a centrifugal unit, filtration unit with soil filters and microfiltration, ensure the proper preparation of the wine for its bottling process.
A process of pasteurization and a new filtration before the packaging, gives us a total assurance that the product is packed free of contamination and that it will remain in that state until its opening.
The winery has five bottling lines, dedicated to the different formats in which it is packaged.


Once the process of preparation of the wines and their packaging is finished, the packaging and shrinkage of the final product is carried out, grouping in pallets of European type according to the client’s specifications. Once on pallets, the product passes to the finished product warehouse waiting for its shipment to customers.
Ibarra Esvin has a finished product warehouse that can accommodate more than 1,800 pallets loaded with ready-to-market product. This capability, together with our modern warehouse management systems, allows us to meet our customers’ service needs, with sometimes very tight deadlines.
An annual production of around 16 million liters of bottled wine serves to ensure our presence in the Spanish market and in the countries of our European environment. We also ship to overseas countries located in Latin America and Asia.

In IBARRA ESVIN has been a constant to listen to the market.
We have developed our products thinking about the needs of the customer and their tastes, so we have always tried to make our productive efforts focused on what the client tells us he needs.
Pioneer in the packaging of wines in PET in Spain, Bodegas Ibarra Esvín was the first Spanish company to pack wine and sangria in this type of packaging, as well as the first Spanish company to package 7% vol Sangría in Bag in Box.
Special mention deserves the PET packaging blower we have, for the blowing of the containers that will later fill in our lines, being the only Spanish winery that has blower for the formats of 1’5, 2 and 5 liters.
Thus, in the case of PET, the capacity of the containers ranges from 1.5 liters to 5 liters. For the Bag in Box (BIB) we have containers from 3 liters up to 20 liters. The glass has a capacity of 0.75 liters and 1 litre for ROSSO and DULCE beberages.
In WINE, we have Red, Rose and White wines. The graduation of wines is 12 and 13% vol. This product is packaged in PET and BIB.
In addition, our range includes SANGRIA (7% vol), 1.5 and 5 liter PET bottles and 3 and 5 liter BIB bottles.
We produce Aromatized Drinks based on Wine, such as O.P.O., DULCE, etc … in PET bottles of 2 and 5 liters, and in containers BIB of 5 liters .. All of them with 14% vol.
Regarding the category of Sparkling wines, we produce and pack White and rose sparkling wines with 10% vol alcohol, and Sparkling Sangría in red and rose varieties with 10% vol., both in glass bottle.

In addition to the rigorous internal quality controls that are carried out in different stages of the process of elaboration and bottling, Ibarra Esvín has the IFS Food Certification, referred to the Bottling of Wine, Elaboration and bottling of aromatized drinks with wine and sangria and sparkling wines, with certification number CC-IFS-22/13.
In Ibarra Esvin the quality is, together with security and customer satisfaction, the priority issues of our company policy. We understand that quality is the pillar on which the rest of the company’s issues are built, such as productivity, profitability and all aspects that emanate from the production plant. Our Laboratory of Analysis and Control assures us to maintain homogeneous parameters in all our products over time, with constant controls of the raw materials that arrive to the warehouse and, of course, the finished product that we manufacture and distribute.
Currently, our commercial activity is developed in the Iberian Peninsula and the rest of Europe mainly, although we also distribute our product in America, Asia (Korea, China, …) and in some countries of the African continent.
Our range of customers are articulated in two fundamental types, on the one hand, companies that distribute drinks that serve a specific territory, such as Vinos Arzac SA, Liberau, Lapique, Bebinter, etc … on the other hand, customers to the main European distribution chains of this type. Customers like Carrefour, Auchan, System U, Miquel Alimentacion, etc … deposit their trust in Ibarra Esvin as supplier for its range of Table Wines.
For all this, Ibarra Esvin continues to produce and bottle Table Wine with a vocation for the future, constantly increasing its investments and constantly looking for and listening to its customers, which are the basis and reason for existing this business.